
CentOS 7上安装和使用GeoIP模块 用iptables限制境外IP访问

  1. 放弃CentOS默认的firewall改为使用iptables:
sudo systemctl status firewalld.service
sudo service iptables status
sudo systemctl stop firewalld.service
sudo systemctl disable firewalld.service
sudo systemctl restart iptables.service
sudo systemctl enable iptables.service
sudo service iptables status


  1. 安装xt_geoip模块:
  • 下载xt_geoip源代码:
tar xvf xtables-addons-2.9.tar.xz
  • 安装系统依赖模块
yum install gcc gcc-c++ build-essential autoconf automake
yum -y install iptables-devel
yum install build-essential
  • 编译和安装模块:
cd xtables-addons-2.9
./configure && make
sudo make install
  • 如果遇到错误“make: *** /lib/modules/3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64/build: No such file or…”,解决办法如下:
sudo uname -r
sudo yum -y update
sudo rpm --import
sudo rpm -Uvh
sudo yum -y --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-ml
sudo awk -F\' '$1=="menuentry " {print i++ " : " $2}' /etc/grub2.cfg
sudo grub2-set-default 0
sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
sudo reboot now
  • 如果遇到错误“~/xtables-addons-2.9/extensions/xt_TARPIT.c:412:10: error: too few arguments to function ‘NF_HOOK’”,解决办法:
    搜索文件xt_TARPIT.c里的所有 KERNEL_VERSION(4, 1, 0),修改为 KERNEL_VERSION(3, 10, 0)
  • 加载xt_geoip模块:
sudo modprobe xt_geoip
  1. 下载GeoIP库:

4 将官网下载的CSV格式IP库转换为iptables可识别的格式

  • 创建格式转换脚本xt_geoip_build,代码内容如下:
#       Converter for MaxMind (GeoLite2) CSV database to binary, for xt_geoip
#       Copyright Jan Engelhardt, 2008-2011
#       Copyright Philip Prindeville, 2018
use Getopt::Long;
use Net::CIDR::Lite;
use Socket qw(AF_INET AF_INET6 inet_pton);
use warnings;
use Text::CSV_XS; # or trade for Text::CSV
use strict;

my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({
        allow_whitespace => 1,
        binary => 1,
        eol => $/,
}); # or Text::CSV
my $source_dir = ".";
my $quiet = 0;
my $target_dir = ".";

        "D=s" => \$target_dir,
        "S=s" => \$source_dir,
        "q" => \$quiet,
        "s" => sub { $target_dir = "/usr/share/xt_geoip"; },

if (!-d $source_dir) {
        print STDERR "Source directory \"$source_dir\" does not exist.\n";
        exit 1;
if (!-d $target_dir) {
        print STDERR "Target directory \"$target_dir\" does not exist.\n";
        exit 1;

foreach (qw(LE BE)) {
        my $dir = "$target_dir/$_";
        if (!-e $dir && !mkdir($dir)) {
                print STDERR "Could not mkdir $dir: $!\n";
                exit 1;

my %countryId;
my %countryName;

sub loadCountries
        sub id; sub cc; sub long; sub ct; sub cn;

        %countryId = ();
        %countryName = ();

        my $file = "$source_dir/GeoLite2-Country-Locations-en.csv";
        print $file;
        open(my $fh, '<', $file) || die "Couldn't open list country names\n";

        # first line is headers
        my $row = $csv->getline($fh);

        my %header = map { ($row->[$_], $_); } (0..$#{$row});

        my %pairs = (
                country_iso_code => 'ISO Country Code',
                geoname_id => 'ID',
                country_name => 'Country Name',
                continent_code => 'Continent Code',
                continent_name => 'Continent Name',

        # verify that the columns we need are present
        map { die "Table has no $pairs{$_} column\n" unless (exists $header{$_}); } keys %pairs;

        my %remapping = (
                id => 'geoname_id',
                cc => 'country_iso_code',
                long => 'country_name',
                ct => 'continent_code',
                cn => 'continent_name',

        # now create a function which returns the value of that column #
        map { eval "sub $_ () { \$header{\$remapping{$_}}; }" ; } keys %remapping;

        while (my $row = $csv->getline($fh)) {
                if ($row->[cc] eq '' && $row->[long] eq '') {
                        $countryId{$row->[id]} = $row->[ct];
                        $countryName{$row->[ct]} = $row->[cn];
                } else {
                        $countryId{$row->[id]} = $row->[cc];
                        $countryName{$row->[cc]} = $row->[long];

        $countryName{A1} = 'Anonymous Proxy';
        $countryName{A2} = 'Satellite Provider';
        $countryName{O1} = 'Other Country';


        # clean up the namespace
        undef &id; undef &cc; undef &long; undef &ct; undef &cn;

sub lookupCountry
        my ($id, $rid, $proxy, $sat) = @_;

        if ($proxy) {
                return 'A1';
        } elsif ($sat) {
                return 'A2';
        $id ||= $rid;
        if ($id eq '') {
                return 'O1';
        die "Unknown id: $id line $.\n" unless (exists $countryId{$id});
        return $countryId{$id};

sub collect
        my ($file, $fh, $row);
        my (%country, %header);

        sub net; sub id; sub rid; sub proxy; sub sat;

        my %pairs = (
                network => 'Network',
                registered_country_geoname_id => 'Registered Country ID',
                geoname_id => 'Country ID',
                is_anonymous_proxy => 'Anonymous Proxy',
                is_satellite_provider => 'Satellite',

        foreach (sort keys %countryName) {
                $country{$_} = {
                        name => $countryName{$_},
                        pool_v4 => Net::CIDR::Lite->new(),
                        pool_v6 => Net::CIDR::Lite->new(),

        $file = "$source_dir/GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv4.csv";
        open($fh, '<', $file) || die "Can't open IPv4 database\n";

        # first line is headers
        $row = $csv->getline($fh);

        %header = map { ($row->[$_], $_); } (0..$#{$row});

        # verify that the columns we need are present
        map { die "Table has no %pairs{$_} column\n" unless (exists $header{$_}); } keys %pairs;

        my %remapping = (
                net => 'network',
                id => 'geoname_id',
                rid => 'registered_country_geoname_id',
                proxy => 'is_anonymous_proxy',
                sat => 'is_satellite_provider',

        # now create a function which returns the value of that column #
        map { eval "sub $_ () { \$header{\$remapping{$_}}; }" ; } keys %remapping;

        while ($row = $csv->getline($fh)) {
                my ($cc, $cidr);

                $cc = lookupCountry($row->[id], $row->[rid], $row->[proxy], $row->[sat]);
                $cidr = $row->[net];

                if ($. % 4096 == 0) {
                        print STDERR "\r\e[2K$. entries";

        print STDERR "\r\e[2K$. entries total\n";


        # clean up the namespace
        undef &net; undef &id; undef &rid; undef &proxy; undef &sat;

        $file = "$source_dir/GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv6.csv";
        open($fh, '<', $file) || die "Can't open IPv6 database\n";

        # first line is headers
        $row = $csv->getline($fh);

        %header = map { ($row->[$_], $_); } (0..$#{$row});

        # verify that the columns we need are present
        map { die "Table has no %pairs{$_} column\n" unless (exists $header{$_}); } keys %pairs;

        # unlikely the IPv6 table has different columns, but just to be sure
        # create a function which returns the value of that column #
        map { eval "sub $_ () { \$header{\$remapping{$_}}; }" ; } keys %remapping;

        while ($row = $csv->getline($fh)) {
                my ($cc, $cidr);

                $cc = lookupCountry($row->[id], $row->[rid], $row->[proxy], $row->[sat]);
                $cidr = $row->[net];

                if (!$quiet && $. % 4096 == 0) {
                        print STDERR "\r\e[2K$. entries";

        print STDERR "\r\e[2K$. entries total\n" unless ($quiet);


        # clean up the namespace
        undef &net; undef &id; undef &rid; undef &proxy; undef &sat;

        return \%country;

sub dump
        my $country = shift @_;

        foreach my $iso_code (sort keys %{$country}) {
                &dump_one($iso_code, $country->{$iso_code});

sub dump_one
        my($iso_code, $country) = @_;
        my($file, $fh_le, $fh_be);

        printf "%5u IPv6 ranges for %s %s\n",
                $iso_code, $country->{name};

        $file = "$target_dir/LE/".uc($iso_code).".iv6";
        if (!open($fh_le, "> $file")) {
                print STDERR "Error opening $file: $!\n";
                exit 1;
        $file = "$target_dir/BE/".uc($iso_code).".iv6";
        if (!open($fh_be, "> $file")) {
                print STDERR "Error opening $file: $!\n";
                exit 1;
        foreach my $range (@{$country->{pool_v6}->list_range()}) {
                my ($start, $end) = split('-', $range);
                print $fh_be &ip6_pack($start), &ip6_pack($end);
                print $fh_le &ip6_swap($start), &ip6_swap($end);
        close $fh_le;
        close $fh_be;

        printf "%5u IPv4 ranges for %s %s\n",
                $iso_code, $country->{name};

        $file = "$target_dir/LE/".uc($iso_code).".iv4";
        if (!open($fh_le, "> $file")) {
                print STDERR "Error opening $file: $!\n";
                exit 1;
        $file = "$target_dir/BE/".uc($iso_code).".iv4";
        if (!open($fh_be, "> $file")) {
                print STDERR "Error opening $file: $!\n";
                exit 1;
        my($sc1, $sc2, $sc3, $sc4);
        my($start, $end);
        foreach my $range (@{$country->{pool_v4}->list_range()}) {
                ($start, $end) = split('-', $range);
                ($sc1, $sc2, $sc3, $sc4) = split('\.', $start);
                $start = $sc1 * 256**3 + $sc2 * 256**2 + $sc3 * 256 + $sc4;
                ($sc1, $sc2, $sc3, $sc4) = split('\.', $end);
                $end = $sc1 * 256**3 + $sc2 * 256**2 + $sc3 * 256 + $sc4;
                print $fh_le pack("VV", $start, $end);
                print $fh_be pack("NN", $start, $end);
        close $fh_le;
        close $fh_be;

sub ip6_pack
        my $addr = shift @_;
        $addr =~ s{::}{:!:};
        my @addr = split(/:/, $addr);
        my @e = (0) x 8;
        foreach (@addr) {
                if ($_ eq "!") {
                        $_ = join(':', @e[0..(8-scalar(@addr))]);
        @addr = split(/:/, join(':', @addr));
        $_ = hex($_) foreach @addr;
        return pack("n*", @addr);

sub ip6_swap
        return pack("V*", unpack("N*", shift @_));
  • 加上执行权限
chmod +x xt_geoip_build 

5 安装xt_geoip_build脚本所需要的依赖

cd ~
yum -y install perl-Text-CSV_XS
rpm -ivh perl-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.21-11.el7.noarch.rpm --force --nodeps
cd /usr/share/
mkdir xt_geoip
cd ~
./xt_geoip_build -D /usr/share/xt_geoip -S GeoLite2-Country-CSV_20230714
  1. 创建新的iptables安全规则
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -m limit --limit 5/second -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -m geoip --src-cc US -j DROP
iptables -I INPUT -m geoip --src-cc FR -j DROP
iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables
  • 看看结果
cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables
iptables -L -n -v
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